Party went as planned. Fairies came, they had faces painted, nails polished, fairy dust sprinkled, ribbons put in hair. It was like a fairy assembly line. After pictures were taken, fairies were herded in for the movie. Not all children were interested in spending quiet time watching a movie. Obviously, Tink was. Even though she had already watched the new movie several hundred times. Pumpkin had one of the best lines of the party. We were at least 10 minutes into the movie, maybe more when Pumpkin declared, Hey, this is the new Tinkerbell movie. Welcome to the party Pumpkin.
Parents were exhausted, fairies were exhausted. Grammy came home and took a 2 hour nap. Loved that! I needed the nap because Saturday night we were stepping out. Hubby and I left the house at 8:45 pm to go out. What? Yes, I know. That is bedtime. Willy and his band came to my little town to play. Unfortunately, not enough people showed up. Willy's band sounded amazing. They have too much talent to be playing to such a small group. Tru Stories and Coach came. Flag Girl attended. Everyone enjoyed the music. It was almost 1:00 am (No Way!), when we got home. I paced myself drinking. I knew I had to be up and moving this morning.
Normally, Sunday morning I like to stay in my pajamas beyond lunch. In the morning I watch too much TV and follow up with reading. Today, I had friends coming from Bloomington. They are photographers and I gave them a tour of some of the unique sights in our little town. I cannot wait to see their pictures. She is a very talented photographer. By the time I got home from the photo tour it was lunch. I sat in the sun in my recliner watching the Bears, and took a nice Sunday afternoon nap. I forced myself to wake up and grocery shop. I needed to take some veggies over to Flag Girl's for the second part of Tink's birthday celebration. This party allowed the males in Tink's life to honor and adore her. It was Flag Girl's first family get together in her beautiful transitional home. We had root beer floats and then watched the little girls play. Tink and Eleven (or whatever her number is) are best friends right now. It is cute to see. They hold hands. They want to sit next to each other. Coco and 12 have not really discovered each other yet. At least not in a large house like Flag Girl's. Too much room for them to wander.
The last part of my week-end was blogging, finishing up laundry, cooking a couple of meals in advance and pretending that two days was enough time to rest up for another week of work. It was not!!!! It never is. Last thing on my list, watch an hour of TV and get to bed.
1 comment:
Agreed......Willy's band was great to listen too. Loved his voice.
Come back again.....
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