Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Is What The Day After Dance Looks Like

Tru Stories family stopped by our house on Sunday for a visit (to use my computer).  Here they are watching the video from the dance for the first time.  It really was cute to watch their reactions.

While Tru Stories tried to download the video to her blog (failed), Coach watched Coco and prepared for his big game.  (Recreational Basketball for old guys.)

Looks like Coco did some partying with the Greatest Babysitter of all times while the adults were at the dance.  She looks as exhausted as Coach. 
Part of the fun of the "Big Dance" is the day after pictures.  Really pictures can show up the entire week after the dance.  Job well done Relay Team.  We all felt like this the day after.


Tru Stories said...

I am not gonna pretend that is us at our finest.

Doc said...

That is my favorite!! Looking at pictures/watching video/ and talking with family and friends the next couple of days after the "dance". It was superfun!!

Unknown said...

Doc - Your dancing was awesome!

Milhouse said...

those pics of Coach & Coco are awesome! I can't wait for more pictures like that.
my little guy is not a cuddler at all. gets that from... me.

you can call me al said...

Love the red, Page Turner!