Monday, September 17, 2012

I Am Very Concerned

Dear Munchkin:
I am growing very concerned about you.  Your blog sits on the same boring post day after day, after day.  No adorable pictures of Prada have appeared on Facebook lately.  I worry that now that you have a cute man in your life, you have lost your ability to blog.  Maybe a happy Munchkin is not funny.  The bitterness, the sarcastic edge, could be gone. 
Don't get me wrong, your fans are thrilled you have found Guy.  (Love that adorable nickname.)  You cannot tell me that stupid people are not still a part of your daily life.  Asking you if you gift wrap.  Questioning if you are a "real" Doctor.  Wondering when the Pharmacist will be available to help them.  
Is the Crazy Munchkin gone?  Will you come to the next Relay Dance and shyly sit at a table.  No wild outfit.  No wacky dancing.  Will you and Guy come in wearing couple t-shirts.  I'm with Her, I'm with Him!!  Adorable.
All we are saying is throw us a bone once in a while.  Would it hurt you to complain about something?  Go to Walmart.  That should help you find something to talk about.
President of The Munchkin Fan Club


Tru Stories said...

Don't bother.
I already said the same thing to her a few weeks ago... She is still funny but bitter, nasty, dark... not so much.
She's all pretty, skinny, happy.. in love.. it's kinda gross.

But she did promise she will still Bring It for the dance.

Munchkin said...

TS is right, she wasted no time telling me they my happy self pales in comparison to the hilarity of my bitter lonely self. Mrs. MC and AL were just asking me a few days ago if I was done for good with the blogging. I said yes and that I was over it, but then something completely ridiculous will happen to me and I feel like I should blog it. We all know it won't last though. May two posts in a row tops before I disappear for another 2 months. Maybe I'll make a concerted effort to write down these ideas and then wait until I have a handful and then I know I won't disappoint for at least a couple weeks. I'll mull it over.

And don't worry about the dance, Guy and I are already talking about outfits and he has seen pictures from years past. I'll be out in full force.