Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Morning Meeting

Very early tomorrow morning my husband and I have to go to the city to attend a hearing.  This hearing is to have our son committed to a State Facility for the Mentally Ill.  My husband and I have to testify at the hearing.  This will be horrible.  My son will be sitting there.  He will think we are going against him.  I know he will be angry.  He will probably say hateful things. 
They will ask to commit him for 90 days.  We have been told it is very seldom patients are kept that long.  They re-evaluate every 5-7 days.  The average stay is usually 30 days.  Once they get his medication stabilized he will be released.
I met with my counselor tonight.  She really did help me face this hearing.  Face the emptiness of my life with Joel gone.  I will be able to get through the hearing tomorrow knowing it has to be done.  We cannot keep Joel safe.  We cannot keep him from accidentally hurting someone through his irresponsible actions.  I am his Mother.  This is what a Mother does.  We always put our children first.  No matter how old they are.  Even if it means he hates me, it has to be done.  I just pray that if he becomes stable he will know all of this was for his own good. 
I have received so much kindness from so many people.  Some great advise.  Heard from people that have gone through this.  I will remind Joel we love him.  I am giving him a card that will remind him of how much we love him.  It  is all I can do.  I cannot make him better.  I can only put him in the place he needs to be to get the help he needs.
Please send prayers and positive energy our way.  I will let you know how it goes.  Thanks for going along on this terrible ride with me.


Anonymous said...

I have gone through this with a family friend whose daughter suffered with mental illness. I have been following your posts. Brings back memories. Prayers are being sent uplifting your family and Joel. The Mrs.Mom.

Unknown said...

The Mrs. talked to me about her friend. Thank you for your comment. You probably understand why Tru Stories and I have decided to share our story. People need to talk honestly about mental illness.

Anonymous said...

We send our prayers and good thoughts to you, Jane and to Jay. Just always remember you are good parents. You love your son and can only do what is best for all. Be strong and you will make it through these difficult days because so many and sending love and prayers your way.

Milhouse said...

I so wish I could be there to share a hug, i will say a million prayers for all of you today.
hopefully this is the beginning to brighter skies. love you!

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being sent up for Joel and his family. There is a "special intention" mass being said at 8AM Wed Nov 2. Please join us in prayer during that time where ever you are. Peace be with Joel and his family. Love and Prayers, Gramma G

Unknown said...

Thanks Gramma G. That should be my first day back at work. I will say a prayer from my desk.