Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on My Life

Yesterday was a tough day.  It was not that my son was any worse than the day before, we are just exhausted from it.  There are days he listens to me more, there are days he listens to my husband more.  The upside of yesterday was I got Uncle to eat.  I am sure he loses his appetite from all the medication.  I went to the store and picked up some of his favorites.  He is at least getting some food into his system.  Tuesday he did not eat.  Hubby took a leave of absence from home yesterday.  He could not handle another day of Uncle's anger.  It was late last night before I was able to get through to Uncle to take his medicine and calm down. 
At this point both Hubby and I are exhausted, stressed (understatement), and at a loss for our next move.  I see my counselor today.  She is trying to get me in contact with a friend of hers that works with schizophrenic patients.  We know Uncle needs to be in a group home.  We know he has to be more stable to get there.  We need suggestions on how to get him stable and in the group home.  The upside of all of this is we both know he needs more help than we can give him.  We cannot live with no sleep and all this stress. 
Thanks to all of you that are throwing your prayers our way.  I really appreciate keeping us in your thoughts.  I got a nice note from Munchkin yesterday.   It does help to get some positive words in the middle of this nightmare.
Tru Stories said my last two posts showed too much of my crazy and I need to reign it in.   I get where she is coming from.  When I made the decision to post about Uncle's mental illness and what we are living through, I decided to be honest.   Last week was Mental Illness Awareness week.  I feel like I am doing a service to mental illness when I post what we are living through.  I know there are many people living with the same thing.
Another day.  Another cycle of medicine needs to be coaxed into Uncle.  He has been up for awhile.  This morning he is very calm.  I know it won't last.  I will be gone this afternoon to the city.  Hubby will be in charge today.


Stacy said...

You are always in my thoughts! Miss you!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Stacy! Miss you too!!