Friday, November 11, 2011

Some Good News On A Friday

This picture has nothing to do with my post.  I just like it.  Tru Stories and all that hair.  Joel with the dorky pose.  Back in the day when Tru Stories was still bigger than her little brother.
Yesterday my friend and I went to visit my son.  I was dreading the visit.  Walking up to the building I felt sick.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Joel was waiting for us when we got there.  He came out and gave me a big hug.  I could have hugged him all day!  Wish my kids were touchy feely.  I love a good hug.  Shout out to Munchkin and her hugs last week-end!!!  Flag Girl too.  Good people in our lives, real good people.  I digress.  Back to the visit.
It is hard to describe the improvements.  On a scale of 10, 10 being Joel at "his" normal and 1 being how terrible he was when Tru Stories and I saw him on that terrible visit; I am going to give him a 4.  I would have given him a 2 when we saw him on Sunday. 
That 4 is a loooooooong way from where he needs to be.  He is still on restrictions.  No group meetings or outside time.  He is still over medicated.  It was hard for him to stay awake and visit.  His eyes would roll back in his head.  Now for the good stuff.  He sat with us for an hour before we left to pick up some food for him.  When we brought back his food, we stayed another 45 minutes.  That is a HUGE improvement.  He initiated conversation.  Conversation that made sense.  Example:  I wish you would have brought me a newspaper.  I wanted to look at where the NASCAR standings are.  I cannot remember when he said anything that made that much sense.  (I know Coach, NASCAR does not make sense to you.)  He asked my friend how her son was.  He only got angry one time and it was quick and minor.  He was self aware.  He mentioned that he can barely stand up because he is dizzy.  He mentioned he does not want to talk because he is hard to understand.  There were times he did not talk, just sat there.  But, he was comfortable sitting.  He did not appear manic at all.  It is a good start.
The doctor is trying to find a good balance of medications.  He was over-sedated from the hospital.  Some of that medication has been stopped.  Some of it has been cut back.  If they can get his mania under control, he does not have to be sedated.  Now they just need to find the right combination of drugs to give him control of his mind back. 
I feel better.  I feel like this could happen.  I have more than a mustard seed of hope.  I would rather when he gets well we could put him in a group home near our home.  That does not exist.  It would be nice for him to have space away from us.  It would be great for us.  But, I will gladly bring him back home if he is leveled out.  The social worker mentioned, again, that she can place him in a homeless shelter if that is needed.  No thanks!!  We will figure out how to take care of him.
If I dare to dream, I will hope this new doctor finds medication to make him more functional than before.  But, I will be satisfied with him coming home calm and safe.  Able to live at home without completely disrupting our lives.
I hope to make it for another visit this week-end.  I will feel good as long as he does not regress.  I can live with steady improvement.  It would be great if he stayed where he was until just before Christmas.  Give us time to regroup.  Recover from the last year of stress.  I do want him home for the holidays.
Thanks again for all your encouragement, compassion, love, and prayers.  You have helped me in what has easily been the most difficult time I have ever gone through and continue to go through.  On days I felt low, I would receive a heart warming message from someone.  We know good people.  We know good people who know good people.  We have even received encouragement from strangers.  Every word has helped my family.  Thank you!!!!


Flag Girl said...

Great News! Glad to hear it!

Milhouse said...

yay! it is clear to see the reason this happened after being re-established in your home town for a few years. it takes a village..
Love you and to the huggers in your life: give her a big one from me, please!!
love you!!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm... really, with that hair??

Even so.. happy for all of that good news! Hopefully the next week is full of positive progress.

- His sister (the one in the Express silk shirt and in need of some more hair products.)