Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rainbows & Puppy Dogs

I have a friend that when we are having a good day we call it "rainbows and puppy dogs" day.  Only happy things in our world.  Today is a Rainbow & Puppy Dog day.  First, my son is doing so well they are talking about letting him come home soon.  Maybe even at the end of this week.  That makes me happy.  I know my son is going to be so relieved to be back in his own bed.  That alone would be a good day.  But there was more.
Today in our quaint little town it is Receipt Day at The Dairy Queen!!  What?  Didn't we just have that last month?  Yes, we did.  It is happening again.  On Receipt Day your receipt is stamped (with a happy face), and anytime during the month you take the receipt back and get everything free.  EVERYTHING FREE!!  An entire meal free.  Dessert for the entire family, free.  It is awesome when placing the order.  Just knowing that sometime in the next few weeks that receipt can be turned in for FREE Dairy Queen food.  Does not get much better than that!
There was even more.  I watched my grandchildren while TS taught yoga.  (I promise you during Yoga more than one Yogi was thinking about receipt day.  TS was one of them.)  Coco was adorable today.  She was cuddle up and give her Grammy a kiss sweet.  She was a bundle of cute!  And if I save the receipt and take it back later, she will be cute all over again.
I wonder if city Dairy Queens have Receipt Day like THE Dairy Queen in my village?


Munchkin said...

Sooo happy to hear Joel is doing so well!!! oh an receipt day is nice too!

Milhhouse said...

Merry Christmas to you!
did you see my post on FB a while ago about the world's ugliest DQ cone?
we certainly do not have receipt day.