Thursday, April 5, 2012

Black & Blue by Anna Quindlen

Last night we had our Page Turner's meeting.  It was another small turn out.  It was our March meeting and we were meeting in April.  Things are so stressful in our office right now.  I really need the positive, warm and fuzzy feelings I get from book club.  Really, from books.  A good book can do so much to make a bad day go away, at least blur in my memory.
We read Black and Blue.  Our hostess is Willie's wife, new to the blog, I am going to call her, Dreamweaver.  Because she has the most amazing job.  So jealous!  She works for an adoption agency.  I could talk to the Dreamweaver all day.  About her job and about books.  She is so passionate about both things. 
Black and Blue is an older book.  I had not read it.  I know I saw the movie.  This was a book where the discussion was great.  The questions were thought provoking and interesting.  This is a story about spousal abuse.  The husband is a police officer.  For 18 years Fran kept the secret.  She stayed with Bobby because she wanted her son to have a father.  She stayed because in spite of everything there were times she still loved him.  Or loved what he once was.  Fran could not call the cops.  Bobby would taunt her with that.   She had to do something extreme.
Fran went underground.  She and her son were given new identities.  They had to start.  The story is about the extent a mother goes to protect herself and her son.  Fran had to come to terms with the fact that to protect her son, she had to make him sad.  Fran knew that one day Bobby would find them.  One phone call was all it took. 
If you read the book, take the time to read the discussion questions at the end.  Good questions. 
I have read 25 books this year.  I am read an interesting one right now.  Thank you, Flag Girl.  It is a slow start.  Not an easy read.  I want to read the last chapter so bad.  I NEVER think about doing that.  The book is, We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.  More later......
Interesting note about The Page Turners.  Everyone but the Old Lady has made the jump to an e-reader.  We still love real books.  We love getting new books with one touch more!!
I have been kept very busy the last few weeks.  Vacations, watching my grandchildren so Tru Stories and Coach could make their dreams come true.  Helping at the yoga studio.  Watching the kids some more.  It has been a crazy month for Coach, Tru Stories, and many family members and friends.  The poor little girls are exhausted.  They need a pajama day.  They need to get on their comfy clothes and just watch TV.  Our little Tink needs a rest.  So does her Mommy & Daddy. 

1 comment:

Flag Girl said...

Don't read the last Chapter!! I fought it off every time I started to read. I had to seriously finish that book get to a happy could bring you down, but I'm glad I read it