Monday, March 29, 2010

Big News, Big, Big News

Today I got to work and had an e-mail from someone that used to work in my department. Have not heard from her in years. Today I was one of three people she e-mailed with the big news. Big, Big News. The Janet Evanovich book, One For The Money, is going to be made into a movie. The role of Stephanie Plum will be played by Katherine Heigl. After the original e-mail we must have sent 10 additional e-mails with our suggestions on who should play what part. I am disappointed with the Katherine Heigl pick. In my mind, Stephanie Plum should have been Sandra Bullock. The article I read said that Reese Witherspoon was their original pick it just did not work out. I would have liked her if Sandra Bullock could not be the star.
Right now you are thinking, what? What? Since when does a reader want a book made into a movie? Not very often. Once in awhile I will be reading a book and know it should be a movie. The Bridges of Madison County needed to be made into a movie. The Stephanie Plum series, needs to be made into movies. Not just one. Several movies. The series gets better with everyone book for at least 1-8. After that they level off.
Here are some of our picks for actors.
Ranger - The Rock
Lulu - Sherri Shepherd (host on the view, played in several sitcoms.)
Morelli - Vince Vaughn
Grandma - Betty White (that is my pick. I'm very excited.)
Connie - the Housewife from New Jersey that threw the table
As the movie gets cast, we will be able to refer back to our guesses. See if we were correct on any of our picks. I just hope this movie gets made soon! I will have this so hyped up before I see it, could be a big let down. Stayed tuned for more information as it becomes available.


Kelly said...

Sandra is too old. Janet said so and seems to be quite keen on Heigl:

I can definitely see her doing it. She does that sort of thing really well and she will be a brunette of course. Looking forward to this one big time!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED those books...but I don't know if i would want to see them in a movie or not. I have a picture in my head of what each of the characters look like....and I think I would be disappointed.

However...I want to play this game! Here are my picks...

Stephanie - Julia Louis-Dryfus
LuLu - Wanda Sykes (she would have to wear a fat suit or gain 100 lbs to fill out the yellow spandex that LuLu likes to wear!)
Morelli - Jerry O'Connell
Ranger - Joe Montegna (Rossi from Criminal Minds...the strong, silent type)
Grandma Mauzer - I agree...Betty White would be funny!

Anonymous said...

I think Hiegl is too "put together" to do Stephanie any justice....

Anderson Family said...

I appreciate all comments but I'm too curious. If you post as Anonymous, Please write your name in the comment so I know who is writing. Thanks!!!! I agree with the too put together on Hiegl. Maybe that is where the term "acting" comes in. We'll see!

Anonymous said...

I'm super excited about the movie but also not loving the idea of Katherine Heigl playing Stephanie. Movies never quite live up to the book, but hopefully, it will be pretty good!

Anderson Family said...

I am going to pretend that this book is so amazing even Hollywood cannot mess it up. Think Bridges of Madison County. Book amazing, movie amazing.