Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Murderer's Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers

This was my first Kindle Read.  I have to admit I enjoyed it.  I like being able to carry it with me.  Read a little when I have a few minutes.  It is easy to read.  There is no glare at all.  I am buying less books.  That said, I still have quite a few "real" books I have not read.  I hope I always have some books.
This was an interesting book.  A father kills his wife, and stabs one of his daughters.  The father goes to prison.  The girls are left alone to pick up the pieces.  It is sad to read what the girls have to do to survive.  There is no family willing or able to take them in.  They are ashamed of what their father did.  It makes them feel like there is something wrong with them.  The sisters create a fake story of how they became orphans.  The story is not all tragic.  Each sister handles the tragedy differently.  One sister does not deal with the tragedy.  She pretends her father died.  She refuses to visit or acknowledge him.  The sister that was stabbed feels a responsibility to her father.  She does visit. 
This is a great book.  Not a deep life-changing read.  It is a good story.  A different subject.  Many times when I am reading a book, I know where it is going.  I did know how this story would end.  I am going to rate this book a 4. 

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