Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Bright Side of My Life

I just finished watching the beautiful photo montage that Tru Stories put together of her family.  I think I have watched it at least five times tonight.  Well, maybe more than that.  There can be so much darkness in my life.  I am not sure what I would do if I did not have all the sunshine that is brought to me from the Family of 5.  They are truly very special. 
On ugly days I can stop by their home and know they will fill up my "pond" with love and good feelings.  There is always someone to run to the door to great me.  I can even include Maggie Mae in that group.  I probably brag a bit too much about my daughter and her amazing family.  I know I spend more time with them than most Grandma's spend with their families.  I always know what to expect when I walk into their house.  I know what to expect when they come running into my house.  Those beautiful faces keep me driving a much too long commute to work.  They give Hubby and I a chance to get away and enjoy total innocence and pure love that only children can give.  When things are tense taking little hikes with our grand kids is such a simple, easy way to enjoy life.  Even better than reading a book.

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