Monday, November 7, 2011

Update on Uncle

Since I have brought all of you in on my son's illness, I feel like I should do some regular updates.  Yesterday my Hubby, Tru Stories, and I made the long drive down to visit my son in his new location.  He is in a state mental health facility.  It is hard to feel comfortable about the facility because we were not allowed to go into the living area.  We had to visit in a small waiting area.  It appears there are quite a few people in the "cottage" he is staying in.  There also seemed to be quite a few people working inside. 
The drive is two hours.  The risk is we could get all the way there and only get to see him for 5 minutes.  We are never going to know how he will react to the visit.  Our visit did last almost an hour.  That is the longest visit we have had with him since he was hospitalized two weeks ago.  His anger is very hard to deal with.  He still does not understand that he needs help.  He thinks he is fine the way he is.  One of the big issues we had with him is he was always rummaging through drawers, closets, etc. and taking things apart, breaking things, tearing things up.  It is not because he is just being destructive.  In his mind he is making things.  He is still trying to do that.  There is not as much for him to get into in his room so he has already broken a soap dispenser.  I am not sure this behavior can be modified until his medications are working.  That said, I do not want him back at home until that behavior stops. 
There are some improvements.  He did know who we were.  He did talk to us.  Physically, he looks much better.  He finally signed a release so that I can talk to staff about him.  Today I will call and see what the plan is for taking care of him.  Medication changes are not something he will discuss.
The positive side is none of us cried after the visit.  Either we are getting better at this or there are improvements.

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