Thursday, December 15, 2011

Back To Work

Tomorrow it is back to work all day for me.  I feel strangely nervous about it.  Uncomfortable in an environment I have been in for years.  I have been so uninvolved in my work place that I feel like I do not belong anymore.  I also feel nervous about being away from home all day.  Seriously, I could easily turn into one of those people that never leave home.  Put on my jammies and stay in my house.  It is only one long day, then I have the week-end.  I am sure I will be back into the flow soon.
I know my son will be fine without me home all day.  He just will not do as well.  Hubby is barely more than a recluse himself.  He will not work at getting Joel socialized.  He has his second appointment today at the Human Resource Center.  He and his Case Manager (CM) are setting goals and trying to identify things he needs to improve.  All the way to the appointment he was angry and arguing.  He did not want to go to the appointment.  When we got there he started out grumpy.  One of the first things his CM did was use the term Schizophrenia.  He jumped all over that word.  He likes to say he is Bi-Polar.  The CM danced around that issue with him.  After the shaky start they were able to get things accomplished.  She gave him some specific things to work on before the next appointment. He is suppose to try to do something social once a week.  This can be something as simple as going to spend time with someone.  He set his goal to attend some basketball games.  We accomplished that today.  They also talked about manners and hygiene.  His CM told him he needs to start doing things to stimulate thinking.  He spends too much time alone and one of his only activities is watching TV.  At this point I was ready to tell CM that she could set up goals for Hubby & Uncle.  Some of the suggestions she made were:  play cards, do word search puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, or read.  Tonight The Kid and Uncle are playing War and checkers.  I think we are off to a good start.  I hope to include The Kid as much as possible.
Ultimately, we want to see Uncle in some level of assisted living.  I would love to see him in an apartment the Human Resources supervises.  He would only be twenty minutes from here.  I would like him to establish relationships with other people that are working through Human Resources.  Keep those prayers coming!  Throw some my way for a good day tomorrow.  I have to go all day without a nap!  I'm sure it will be fine.  That was FINE, not fun.

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