Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Have Not Blogged

Today Millhouse reminded me that I have not been blogging.  There are numerous reasons for my not blogging.  Mainly, I have not had anything I felt like writing about.  In a way that is a good thing.  It means life is somewhat calm around here.  I have almost finished Christmas shopping.  That means, I am really done.  I will still buy a few things because I like to buy Christmas gifts.  I need to do my Christmas cards.  Just not feeling the Christmas card spirit.  Last year I did a photo card.  This year I did not have pictures I loved to make one.  I have considered taking some cute pictures on Christmas Day and sending New Year's cards but decided it was lame.  I WILL start my cards tonight.
Things are going well with my son.  For the most part, he is calm.  He had a couple of times that he was short tempered, but nothing huge.  He sleeps.  Not always the hours I would like him to sleep, but he is sleeping.  He tries to sleep at night.  It might be easier for him to sleep at night if Hubby did.  They are both usually asleep before 3:00 am.  He usually sleeps around 8 hours, give or take an hour or two.  I am not going to pretend he is normal.  He still laughs to himself.  Talks to himself.  There are still delusions.  Those things are not going away.  We just need him to be able to recognize he has an illness so he can learn to live with it. 
Last week he had an appointment at the Human Resource Department in our county.  We tried getting him involved there in the past and it did not work.  This time he is more interested.  He answered all the questions during the meeting.  That was difficult for him.  He does not like to admit he has problems.  I had to, carefully, correct his answers a few times.  He agreed he should work towards independence from us.  To me that means learning skills to move into supervised housing of some type.  Right now I just want him to attend some classes offered at the Department.  They have life skill classes.  Anger Management, Personal Hygiene, Cooking.  They change monthly.  I want him to attend something to have contact with people.  He spends too much time alone at our house.  He said he will attend classes.  He said he will meet with a case manager to help him work towards goals.  Tomorrow he has another meeting.  If he attends, I will be very pleased.  I think that is a huge step in taking control of his illness.
Friday I go back to work full days.  That is going to be so hard.  I have not worked full-time since September.  I think it is time for me to go back.  I was not able to concentrate from all the stress in my life.  In the last week, that is so much better.  I still have a short attention span.  I still get upset much easier than I used to.  That has improved too.  It is time for me to get back into real life.  That is going to be exhausting!  My doctor is still working on getting my thyroid function where it needs to be.  I feel exhausted very easily.  I am forcing myself to go to bed earlier than normal.  Everyone in my house needs to work on a healthier life style.  Sleeping normal hours should be number one on our list.
I think I am five books from my goal of 100.  I think I should complete the goal.  While most people spend Christmas Day running around to visit family, I stay home.  We have a family dinner at 5:00.  That gives me time to read during the day.  Christmas Eve is peaceful too.  I have over two weeks to finish.  That should not be a problem!  What is a problem is those pesky Christmas Cards.........time to get at them.

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