Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beautiful Bird We Do Not Want

Today Hubby called me at work.  This is not a common occurrence.  It was important.  He wanted to know where I kept my camera and how to use it.  There was a hawk visiting our yard.  It was sitting on our wood pile.  By the time Hubby found the camera, the hawk moved to our neighbor's fence.

Hawks are beautiful!  They are majestic.  Watching them fly is so beautiful.  For so many years we never saw hawks.  It is a joy to see them again.  Normally, this hawk hangs out high in some of the trees around our block.
These pictures were to help Hubby identify what kind of hawk it is.  After comparing these pictures to pictures in books and on-line, we have decided this is a Cooper Hawk.

As beautiful as hawks are, we prefer to see them while driving in the car.  Sitting in trees or on fences.  The reason this hawk is watching our yard and our neighbor's yard is he thinks we are feeding him.  What special food have we put out for the hawk?  The beautiful birds we are drawing to our feeders!
Beautiful Hawk, please stay up high in the trees.  We are starting to enjoy all the birds coming to our yard.  I just bought a special finch feeder today.  It is going to be hard to continue to draw little birds to our yard if you are going to hang out watching for them.  Go away now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we had a hawk once. He sat across the street and watched the birds eat out of our feeder. Apparently he thought it was some kind of buffet. He dove in got one, plucked it and ate it. all that was left was feathers. Looked like the bird had exploded. Neither bird, squirrel or rabbit showed up at our feeder for about 6 hours. Even the cat wouldn't sit in the window. Hawks get a wide berth from the small animal kingdom.