Hubby is very difficult to buy gifts for. He has limited interests. One thing he really enjoys is the birds in our yard. In the summer every night after dinner he sits outside and watches the birds. There are certain birds that come at certain times. He gets the grandkids outside with him. They all enjoy seeing the birds. Cardinals are his favorite. We think of Cardinals as good luck. My mother-in-law loved Cardinals. There are times when we see a Cardinal we feel like it is a sign from her. Hubby learned to enjoy birds from his Mom. The grandkids are learning to enjoy birds from their Popop. I like that. Last Fall we went to a nature center. We enjoyed watching all the different birds they attracted with feeders. I decided to start planting flowers to attract certain birds and to get some feeders. For Christmas I got Hubby this feeder. I went to a store that only sells bird feeders and food. The salesman said this is a good feeder for Cardinals. It has taken time to get birds to find our feeders. The snow really helped. Hubby already added a second feeder, I bought a third. I really do not have a great camera for this but had to give it a try. Hard to get a picture without scaring the birds.
I think Cardinals in the snow are so beautiful. We have several generations of Cardinals in our area. Hubby can tell some of them apart.
This Cardinal below is not one of our usual Cardinals. He was up on the feeder eating like crazy. He is the most intense red. His beak is almost red. He was on the feeder quite awhile. I did not get my camera in time to get a good picture. The Cardinal above chased the beauty below away.
The bird feeder was a very successful gift. Hubby and Uncle both like to watch for the birds. I am hoping to attract some finches. I need to do some research on things to plant. So, this is how boring we are. I read and the men in my house watch for birds. We live a simple life.
Message to Jersey Girl: Noticed my blog had a visitor from New Jersey. Hope there are some positive things happening for your family. I'm thinking of you! We will miss you this week at book club.
We have a large group of yellow finches that come back to our area every spring. You can see them flying in groups of three to five all around our neighborhood in the summer. We put out a simple feeder with finch food and within a day or two (one year they arrived within the hour) they're at our back porch. Wish we could get a cardinal to visit next!
Sunflower seeds and burning bushes will get you cardinals.
After picking Tink up after school one day this week, I happen to notice a very red Cardinal on the side of the road, playing in the snow. I actually slowed the van to sit and look at it for a minute.
Then it snapped in my head that I had JUST STOPPED in the road to look at a bird! I even realized at the moment, it was just another thing turning me boring like my dad and grandma. Isn't it enough, I spy on my neighbors from my kitchen sink window?? Now I stop for Cardinals?? What is happening to me?
Stop and smell the roses. Stop and look at Cardinals. Same thing. You are enjoying the beauty around you.
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