Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What's New?

 have been terrible about posting. Not sure if anyone is out there. Let me give a few updates.
I received feedback from the high school class I talked to about my son. There were 7 papers written on how my talk affected the students. Was not a required assignment. It was very nice to read the observations. Made it worth exposing so many sensitive parts of my life. I can now consider it a very successful day!

We had our 4th annual Springfest in my village. I oversee the event. A BBQ Contest also takes place. Someone else organizes it. This year I had seven people that were in charge of certain areas of the event. They were all amazing. The day went as smoothly as possible. There were so many people. Kids playing everywhere I looked. The smell of the BBQ was unreal. The taste even more amazing. The only problem was crazy wind. A few of the vendors had tents blow over.
The best part of the day was super fantastic music. It was like a music festival.  We were so lucky to have so many talented people singing. It was wonderful. I have already committed to plan another event this summer. I would love for our town to become known for wonderful music.
It was hours and hours of work and planning. All worth it. Good for our town. Great event!

Getting to the point I can count days until Old Lady and I go on our big adventure. I have the store covered. But I am in a panic about being away from it. For almost a year I have been connected to my shop. Most days I at least stop by. Though honestly I need a vacation.
I know this is ridiculous but I am worried about leaving my dog. Yes I am that person!  I worry she won't get enough attention. I hate to fly. I will be freaked about that. Lastly, I rarely leave my little town. It is my safe place. I like my little world.
Don't get me wrong, I am super excited about spending time with my friends. We are doing some awesome things. Once I leave I will be fine.

So there you are. All caught up on my life. Plus I have read quite a few books. Been busy.


Anonymous said...

Dont worry Alice, I will hold your hand.. OL

Anonymous said...

OL I read we should dress nice to fly. If they upgrade people to first class there is a better chance of getting it if you are dressed nice. I am thinking cocktail dress.

Anonymous said...

Alice, I dont have a cocktail dress, but I could wear by best Duster..those dusters dont come cheap...OL

Anonymous said...

It would almost be worth wearing our matching dusters. White anklets and tennis shoes just to see people react.