Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just Do It

I am not sure why I when Tru Stories said I wish I could take the kids to a beach that I said, let's do it.  I am so glad I felt we needed to take this trip.  It has been wonderful.  Even with five kids it has been wonderful. 
When I saw, smelled, heard, and touched the ocean I knew we made the right decision.  I had not seen an ocean in years.  It was time.  I was overwhelmed by the beauty.  The power of it is amazing.  Sharing it with children that have never seen an ocean, priceless.  I want to travel more. 
If you have never seen an ocean, make it a priority.  Seriously, even if it is a short trip, do it.  Find a way to make it happen.  You will stand in the sand and say, Thank you God for this beauty.  You will be over-whelmed by the magnitude.  You will feel small.  You will feel blessed.
If you have not been to an ocean in years, GO AGAIN.  Remind yourself how wonderful life is.  Give yourself a treat.  One thing I learned this week is, I need more vacation time.  I need more money.  I want to be one of these people that come to Tybee Island for a month.  I want to live with this beauty everyday.
I promised a little Tink we will all go back to our little Village where we belong.  Last night she was concerned everyone was a bit too comfortable here.  I reminded her how we always go back home when vacation is over.
Home is good too.  As long as all the people I love are with me. 

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